Having been residing in cold storage, dark cupboards, and defunct formats for two decades, Radiohead’s landmark recording OK Computer is finally given the reissue reboot it so thoroughly deserves.
OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017 comes entirely remastered from the original analogue tapes and bundled with eight b-sides and most excitingly of all for the Radiohead completists three previously unreleased and long sought after tracks from the OK Computer original studio sessions: “I Promise,” “Lift,” and “Man Of War.”
This newly remastered edition is sure to have even the most casual Radiohead fans climbing the walls in anticipation.
Side A:
Airbag (Remastered)
Paranoid Android (Remastered)
Subterranean Homesick Alien (Remastered)
Side B:
Exit Music (For A Film) (Remastered)
Let Down (Remastered)
Karma Police (Remastered)
Side C:
Fitter Happier (Remastered)
Electioneering (Remastered)
Climbing Up The Walls (Remastered)
No Surprises (Remastered)
Side D:
Lucky (Remastered)
The Tourist (Remastered)
Side E:
I Promise
Man Of War
Lull (Remastered)
Meeting In The Aisle (Remastered)
Melatonin (Remastered)
Side F:
A Reminder (Remastered)
Polyethylene (Parts 1 + 2) (Remastered)
Pearly* (Remastered)
Palo Alto (Remastered)
How I Made My Millions (Remastered)